We offer a variety of services to make your pool more enjoyable.

These services may be tailored to meet your specific needs or requirements. The services are weekly, with at least 48 service weeks per year.


Chemicals Only

Includes: weekly water analysis and chemical balancing to produce crystal clear water and sanitary conditions, and checking equipment running order. Price includes all chlorine, tablets, muriatic acid, soda ash, and alkalinity.


Chemicals - Baskets

Includes: all of Chemicals Only, plus empty the skimmer basket, pump basket, and pool sweep bag.


Chemicals - Filter
starting at $135

Includes: all of Chemicals - Baskets, plus clean the filter elements or back-wash filter dependent upon the filter size, filter type, and necessity (typically, 2 times per year).


Full Service
starting at $190

Includes: all of Chemicals - Filter, plus brush the wall, steps, and swimouts, weekly removal of a majority of the debris off the surface and floor. Basically all you need to do is swim and enjoy your pool with this service.


Spa Service w/Pool Maintenance
$60/month + pool service

Includes: weekly water analysis and chemical balancing to produce clear water and sanitary conditions, clean filter elements as needed. If a mineral pack is used it will be replaced every 4 months at market price.


Spring Conditioning

All pools are subject to a $30 charge for spring conditioning. This replenishes the conditioner lost by winter rain dilution and draining. Pools greater than 20,000 gallons are an additional $15.



And so much more!

In addition to our weekly services we also perform:

  • Equipment repairs

  • Equipment upgrades

  • Filter cleanings

  • Green pool clean up

  • SMUD Certified Aquatic Equipment Installer (CAEI)



Current Promotions

Client Referral Credit

Receive a $50 credit for referring a new client. Credit applied once the new client makes their third monthly payment.

Advance Payment Plan

Pay for 11 months in advance, and the 12th month is free.


River City Pool Care is not responsible for: maintaining proper water levels in the pool or spa; cleaning or removing oil, scum, or mineral deposits on tiles or pool finish; lost animals; or removing excess debris due to nature or vandalism.